Fully Comprehensive...
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High School
Grade level references
Core course vocabulary
Fully Classroom Ready!
Five teacher manuals
Grapheme Reading Deck
Phoneme-Keyword Deck
Orthography-Spelling Deck
Affixes Deck
Root Words Deck
Student Manual
Alphabet Strips
No consumables to purchase
Fully ACCESSIBLE to...
All Teachers
52-Scripted daily lessons
No specialized training required
Middle & High School Students
The method of instruction targets 95% of learners
Intervention for struggling students
Aesthetically pleasing to the student's grade level
Research tells us...
The National Reading Panel (NRD), assessed the effectiveness of various approaches for teaching children to read. They concluded that instruction must include 5 essential components of reading - phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary development, reading fluency, including oral reading skills and reading comprehension strategies. NICHD, 2000
Since the 1990's, multisensory structural language education (MSLE) has been dedicated to structured, systematic, direct teaching of the organization of language linking the eye, ear, voice, and hand in symbolic learning. Birsh, 2005
According to the National Institute of Health Reading Scores (NICHD), 65% of 12th graders did not reach reading proficiency grade level.
NAEP, 2019